
Just the way it goes

If you could just stop time for a millisecond, that everything that is around you would just stop moving, breathing, exisiting, and you just had this tiny piece of epiphany so that you could just reach out with your hand and grab it for the rest of life, what would you extend your hand for?. I will like to grab those things lost, those looks, those smiles, those words forgotten, but I am still waiting, I am still just standing here.

Everyone is always looking for something, and for everyone we are just a number that happens to exist on their existance, we are just one of those that stand in there way, they are jut one of those that stand in our way, staring constantly at us, like judging, trying to figure out who we are, or maybe trying to figure out who they are in others eyes. We jut dont have those moment when everything seems to not exsit and we can just grab those epiphanies that are passing by day by day. A walk by the river, the strange scent of someone passing by, just to look in the eyes of others and try to figure out what they are thinking, the last words to those that we love, the first words to those that we are going to love, and those words that we never speak to those we want to love.

There isn't much of anything anymore, everything just seems to be floating away in some strange and narrow minded universe that just keeps on going and going, and you sometimes feel left behind, that no one cares, that in the end nothing really matters and that this is just a ridiculous game in which we are already on the bench or we just never got to the rules in the first place. There is not much going out there, when all those faces try to figure out who wea re, or who they are, everyone is looking for something, but it seems they dont know what that something means anymore and we are all just trying to grab whatever comes first, so we just feel that anything can mean something and we dont feel completely lost in ourselves,

There isnt much of anything going around, I already know that you just come and go, that everything happens for a reason and that we are just simple actors in this big film they call life. But it is still hard that someone reminds you of that every now and then with some cold and souless words, and you realise that in the end, everything is just what you thought it was, just nothing much going out anywhere. I'll just come and go, be here and there, and just keep staying the same while I change everytime, no one knows me and I dont know no one, everyone is just a collectable picture that I hang on my minds wall. Everyone is just a face I see and I might remember in black and white and every now and then I might look thru this pictures, and I will remember you, and I will remember me, and I will even remember those I dont remember ever seeing and those that I wanted to see but never got the chance to do it.

All the memories contained in one small space somewhere in the mind that will remain untouched and sealed until I need the feel of this epiphanies, of this air, of this things that make everything so simple but that now are completely lost somewhere and no one cares anymore. I think I lost the game, and not because I didn't know the rules or never understood them, is just because the game is not well designed, I dont play it well and I dont want to play it anymore. I have lost the game because I dont care about what is just there to see, I dont want to find myself in some other faces, in some other eyes, I want to see the other in their faces I want to know others by their eyes, I want to be a part of everything that is beyond the eye, those little things that are kept secret, those things that no one remembers because they are searching in the wrong place.

I wish I could stop the world every second, of everyday, of every hour, of every breath of my life for just a millisecond and grab all of those things that have been left wandering alone far away from the hearts and minds that are out there, but aren't really. I wish I just could not be what I have to be in order to continue smoothly, without anyone noticing that im here or there and that im still searching for those eyes, and that mind, and those things that seem lost. I dont want to find myself in others, I dont want other to find themselves in me, I just want to find the others wherever they are and that they can reach me, because here I am, waiting, still waiting and hoping, because hope is the one thing that is still there in those brief moments of pause between the real world and the one we live in, unfortunately I can not take it farther away, thats just the way it goes, and eventhough I want, eventhough I try, there are not enough spaces in between the real world and the other one, to stop collecting pictures on the back on my mind and actually make them live and free so they can finally reach me, because here I am, still waiting.

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